This monthly contact list will help you show your work to the correct media folks, landing paid publication of your projects.
Subscribe to enjoy:
- 50 uniquely fresh contacts on the 1st of each month
- For photo, video, and text project pitches
- Relevant for documentary, news, and lifestyle topics
- At outlets in USA and Europe
- Including names, job titles, and email addresses
- Microsoft Excel format
At outlets including: Amazon Studios / AMC Networks / CBS / Conde Nast Traveller / Elle / ESPN / Esquire / Financial Times / FX Networks / GQ / Harper's Bazaar / InStyle / Metropolis / Monocle / National Geographic Traveler / NBC / New York Magazine / SHOWTIME / Sports Illustrated / T: The New York Times Style Magazine / Texas Monthly / The New York Times / The New York Times Travel / Vanity Fair / Vogue / Wired